General Info
Jennifer Gosselin
Athletic Director Facilities Coordinator
The Winters Mill High School athletic department is committed to excellence in athletics while in support of the school's academic mission. Student-athletes will adhere to a level of conduct, on and off the field of play, which will bring credit to themselves and to the school. Our focus is to be a model program and to achieve a high level of interest and support of the students, faculty, alumni, and school community. All stakeholders will continue to work together to make athletics the epicenter of a positive school culture.
Students who would like to participate in athletics at Winters Mill High School must meet the following requirements:
- Be academically eligible by maintaining a 2.0 GPA and no grades of a F for the quarter grade on their report card.
- Register online every season on Family ID.
- Have an updated physical. Students' physicals will expire after 13 months and will need to be updated.
- Must be a full-time student at Winters Mill High School.
- Must be registered and attend more than two courses in the semester.
- Students participating in athletics in CCPS are required to be on time to school or they will not be eligible to participate in practice or the team contest on that day. (Providing a note from a professional [e.g. doctor, MVA, court] is an excused absence).
Friends and family members who can’t |
How to Watch: Subscribe and Follow
Abbey Dennis - Athletic Trainer
2024-2025 WMH Sports
Boys Basketball | Dave Wynne | |
Girls Basketball | Jordan Neville Witte | |
Boys Wrestling | Lou Orem | |
Girls Wrestling | TBD | |
Indoor Track | Jessica Huber Dick | |
Indoor Track | Larrissa Plumber | |
Cheerleading | Kasey Barnes | |
- Fall sports begin August 9, 2023
- If you are interested in trying out for a sport at Winters Mill High School, you MUST be registered online and have an up-to-date physical.
- Physical Form - Use this form for completion of the physical.
- The link for online registration is
For questions or additional information email, Jen Gosselin, AD
Please click here to view additional Athletic Forms for Carroll County Public Schools.
Please click HERE for Required Athletic Participation forms.
Please click HERE for Prior Participation form.
Please click the following links for Sports Concussion information and forms
Sports Concussion Testing Program and Release of Information
CCPS Student Athlete Probable Head Injury Procedure
Notification of Probable Head Injury for Interscholastic Athletics
Medical Clearance for Gradual Return to Sports Participation Following Concussion
Your involvement in the WMHS Athletic Boosters helps support our student athletes by providing services and equipment not covered in the budget. Athletic Boosters meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30PM in the Media Center.
Go Falcons!
Winters Mill Athletic Booster Club
The Athletic Boosters would like to thank our parents, community and sponsors for all of your support! Go Falcons!
Athletic Booster Mission
The Winters Mill High School Athletic Boosters Club provides moral and financial support for the Athletic Department and all Athletic Programs. Profits go towards uniforms, equipment, spirit building and the ABC Scholarship. The Athletic Boosters support the WMHS athletes in many ways!
We are a charitable 501(c)(3) so your donation is tax deductible. Thank you for considering a sponsorship with Winters Mill Falcons Athletics! For more information and to reserve your space, please email
Lillian Mallory |
Julesa Schoonover Vice President |
Christina Goodman Secretary |
Teila Hamrick Member at Large |
Sheri Richmond |
Kristy Dean Treasurer |
TBD Assistant Treasurer |
How you can help
Concessions – Visit the Falcon Café for delicious treats during games!
Volunteer – Complete CCPS volunteer training and sign up for a concession shift
Manage – Concession managers to help open and direct are needed
Spirit Wear – Get the latest and greatest Falcon Fashion
Stadium Banners – Advertise your business or purchase a family sponsorship on the attached form
Street Smarts – Sign your student up for Driver’s Education classes
Meetings – General meetings held the 3rd Wednesday of the month - 6:30pm in the media center
Follow Winters Mill Athletic Boosters Club on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest updates!
Family Sponsor/Banner Form (click here for flyer)
Thank you to our sponsors!
Carroll Community College | Carroll Hospital | Caliber Home Loans-Chad Vogel |
Genova's To-Go | McDonalds of Westminster |
To sponsor or donate to the athletic boosters please contact us
Winters Mill High School Athletic Booster Club
Charter date: May 20, 2002
Revised: February 23, 2022
Revised: February 26, 2024
The name of the organization shall be Winters Mill High School Athletic Booster Club. (Hereinafter the Club)
The purpose of the Club shall be to provide moral and financial support for The Athletic Department and all athletic programs and promote both student and public interest in all extra-curricular activities of the public schools of Carroll County. It will lend support without dictating or compromising school policy.
Section 1
Members: Parents or legal guardians of Winters Mill High School students, alumni, and other interested community members in the Winters Mill High School district are eligible for membership in the Club. Membership in the Club shall be annual and coincide with the fiscal year of the Club. All members are asked to volunteer for the benefit of the Club including attendance at the monthly meetings. All members will act in an ethical and lawful manner for the benefit of the Club.
Section 2
Regular Meetings: Regular meetings shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month during the school year unless there is a conflict in the school calendar. The Executive Board may change the date of any regular meeting as needed. At the discretion of the President or by a petition of three Executive Board members, a meeting may be called between the regular monthly meeting and the annual meeting to conduct board business as needed.
Section 3
Annual Meetings: The annual meeting of the membership of the Club shall be held on such date within the month of May each year. The business to be transacted at the annual meeting shall include the election of officers and other business within the authority vested in it by these bylaws.
Section 4
Voting: Each attending member of the Club that is eligible to vote is entitled to cast one
(1) vote. A majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the Club's membership shall be sufficient to take or authorize action upon any matter which may properly come before the membership. Members in good standing who have attended at least two regular meetings between August and April of the current Club year are therefore eligible to vote during the election held at the May annual meeting. In addition, members who have attended at least two prior meetings during the current or prior school year may participate in voting during a regular Club meeting.
Executive Board
Section 1
Membership: The Executive Board shall be comprised of the elected offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and two Members at Large.
The School Administrator and the Athletic Director for Winters Mill High School shall serve as ex-officio non-voting members to the Executive Board. With the exception of the School Administrator and Athletic Director, members of the Executive Board shall hold their respective position on a bi-annual basis. The President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall hold office for two years, changing at the annual May meeting in odd numbered years. The Vice President and Assistant Treasurer shall hold office for two years, changing during the May annual meeting in even numbered years.
Section 2
Powers: The general business and affairs of the Club shall be managed under the direction of its Executive Board (hereinafter, the "Board"). The Board shall have and exercise all the rights and privileges deemed necessary, appropriate, or desirable in achieving the Club's stated purpose. In connection therewith, the Board shall keep minutes of its meetings and full and fair account of its transactions. No Board Officer shall use the power or privilege of their office for personal financial gain or financial gain of their private business.
Section 3
Annual Meetings and Subsequent Meetings: As soon as practical after the annual meetings of the Club's membership, the Board shall meet for the purposes of
organization and the transaction of such other business. Thereafter, meetings shall be held monthly or at such other times as the President or a majority of the members of the Board
may request. All annual and subsequent meetings shall be general meetings and any business may be transacted. For the purposes of day-to-day operations, the board, or members thereof, may meet by telephone or email. All actions are reported to the membership at the next regular meeting and shall be maintained within the written minutes of each meeting.
Section 4
Quorum: The presence of a majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at every meeting of the Board. Ex-officio non-voting members do not count towards a quorum. Each member of the Board shall be entitled to cast one vote and the Board shall act in accordance with the majority of those Board members in attendance at a meeting in which a quorum is established.
Section 5
Expenditures: The President may authorize any single expenditure of $500 or less. Expenditures of $500 to $1,500 need Executive Board approval. Expenditures in excess of $1,500 need the approval by the membership at a regular meeting with the exception of normal operational expenditures, such as concession stand supplies, spirit wear, and/or any normal operating expenditures identified by the Board, which would need the approval of the Board. Any expenditures shall be included in the Club records. All Team Accounts expenditures will follow the Club identified and approved procedures.
Section 6
Investments: The President and Treasurer may transfer funds between accounts. The opening or closing of any CD (Certificate of Deposit) or Money Market account requires the approval of the Executive Board. This may be accomplished via phone or email. Any investments shall be included in the Club records.
Officers and Terms
Section 1
Nomination, Election, and Term: The membership of the Club, at its annual May meeting, may nominate such individuals for the aforesaid offices and shall, immediately thereafter, elect such positions. All offices shall be on a two (2) year term as identified in Article IV, section I, and elections shall be held at the conclusion of each term at the annual meeting as stated. Officers shall be elected annually, in accordance with Article IV, section 1 with no officer holding the same position more than one two-year term. All officers must have a current or recent alumni (within one years) student in attendance at Winters Mill High School.
Section 2
Eligibility: Only one member per household or significant other (hereafter known as family) may hold an office within the same Club year. Authorized signers on bank accounts may not be within the same family.
In the event, where no individual on a past or present Executive Board is interested in serving on the Executive Board, then the nominations would be open to anyone who is eligible to be a member.
Section 3
President: The President shall assume the responsibilities for the implementation of the policies as determined by the Board and the supervision and direction of all the affairs of the Club. The President shall preside over the meetings of the Board and of the membership of the Club and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board. The President has the authority to sign contracts and is an authorized signer on all bank accounts.
Section 4
Vice President: The Vice President shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all of the duties of the President in the President's absence. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board or the President.
Section 5
Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the membership of the Club and of the Board, and shall maintain, at all times, at least one copy of the bylaws, together with all respective amendments to date. The Secretary shall send, or cause to be sent, upon request of the Board, all notices, communications, reports, and/or announcements to the membership of the Club, the Board, or third parties. The Secretary shall perform such duties as assigned by the President or by the Board. The Secretary shall have the President review the minutes for accuracy prior to presenting them to the membership.
Section 6
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have general supervision and control over the Club's finances, inclusive of the maintenance of such books, records, and accounts as may be directed by the Board. An independent, review of the books will be conducted annually each July and the report shall be available for the first regular meeting of the Club year. The report cannot be conducted by a board member, or a family member of a board member. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as assigned by the President or by the Board from time to time. The Treasurer shall make available all Club financial records to the members upon request. Treasurer shall be primarily responsible for income, expenditures, and financial reports. The treasurer shall also be responsible for deposits as needed. The Treasurer is an authorized signer on all bank accounts.
Section 7
Assistant Treasurer: The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the treasurer in all financial matters of the Club. The Assistant Treasurer is an authorized signer on all bank accounts.
Section 8
Members at Large: Two Members At Large, appointed by the President and to be voted on at the annual meeting by the Board. Members at Large will assist the Board in any areas where assistance is needed as requested by the President or Board.
Section 1
Removal: The Board may, by a two thirds majority vote, remove any of its members, if in the judgment of the Board the best interests of the Club will be served by such removal. Any such member proposed to be removed shall be entitled to at least five days' notice in writing prior to the meeting, at which such removal is to be voted upon by the remaining members of the Board and shall be entitled to appear before and be heard at the meeting. Any removal of a Board member requires a two thirds majority vote of the remaining Board members.
Section 2
Filling of Board Vacancy: Vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board at the next regular meeting following the vacancy. However, in the case of the office of the President, the Vice President shall automatically fill that office for the remainder of the term. An individual elected to fill a vacancy shall serve for the remaining portion of the original term and may still serve an additional full two-year term if so elected
Section 1
Committees: The President may create committees on either a temporary or permanent basis. In such event, the duties of the committees shall be as prescribed by the Board and the term of the committee members shall be for the fiscal year established in Article VIII. All members to committees shall be members in good standing with the Club.
Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Club shall run from July 1 through June 30 of each year.
Section 1
Bank Accounts
The Club shall hold two accounts: general and team fundraising.
General: This account is used for daily operating transactions, including but not limited to concessions, spirit wear, fundraising events, and other income/expenses.
Team Fundraising: This separate account shall be used for all Winters Mill Sports teams. The Treasurer will keep records of each individual account for use by the team coaches.
The Club may indemnify any current or former Director, officer or member for expenses actually and reasonably incurred by the individual in connection with any claim against the individual in the absence of the individual's gross negligence, intentional misconduct, or willful and wrongful acts or omissions.
These bylaws may be added to, altered, amended, repealed, or suspended, in whole or in part, by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board at any regular club meeting. Standing Rules may be amended monthly as needed, by two-thirds vote of the Board at any regular meeting or special meeting.
Section 1
Keys: The individually numbered keys to the concession stand and safe combination are issued to the executive board, and any other essential individual as determined by the Board. The Assistant Treasurer or person designated by the President will maintain the Key Agreement Records.
Section 2
Managers: The Managers will assist the Board with the operations of the concession stand. They are the individuals charged with the opening and closing of the concession stand on assigned games. They will also supervise the volunteers and the daily operations of that game.
Section 3
State Contests: In the event of a state contest, the Athletic Boosters agree to hold a special meeting, which can be accomplished via email, phone, or virtual, and be recorded among the minutes of the next regular meeting, to discuss financial support for the athlete/team. The amount to be determined by the Athletic Boosters Club Executive Board in accordance with the current funding limits set by Article IV Section 5.
Section 4
Equipment: The lending of Athletic Boosters equipment to other school-based organizations is done with written approval of the Club’s President. Such items need to be returned in the same condition as it was lent, or that organization must repair or replace the item.
Section 5
Team Requests for Booster Funds: The Athletic Boosters’ role includes helping to support all Winters Mill High School athletic team needs. All team requests will be made via the Expenditure Request Form, with a signature from the WMHS Athletic Director. The Athletic Director will forward the request to the Board. The Board will vote on whether the request shall be presented at the next general membership meeting or during the next Booster Spend down.
All fund disbursements must be consistent with county and school policy and support the goals and objectives of the Athletic Boosters. All requests must be in writing, and will be reviewed for appropriateness, fairness, need and realism.
Section 6
Concession Equipment: Replacement of any concession stand equipment must be done in accordance with the Carroll County Health Department guidelines.
Section 7
Spend Down: Twice per year (in December and June), the Club will set aside 25% from the General Account, prior month ending account balance, to be considered for spend down requests. These funds will be used for long-term, larger expenses, as agreed to by the membership at large.
Section 8
Athletic Scholarship: An Athlete whose parent/guardian/family member is a member on the Athletic Boosters Board is eligible to apply for the Booster’s athletic scholarship, as long as the parent/guardian/family member of that athlete is not also serving on the Athletic Scholarship committee or has any decision or voting authority with the Athletic Scholarship.